Bay Area Outdoor Family Adventures


Los Gatos Creek Trail

From Vasona County Park

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Trail Description

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The Los Gatos Creek Trail is a really peaceful trail, great for young bikers or adults with bike trailers. The best route for child riders is to park at the Vasona County Park playground and then head northeast toward the dam. We've tried heading the other way (toward the mountains) and it is too dangerous for young kids as there is a steep cliff alongside the trail. Heading toward the dam, you will get a nice view of the lake, then once you head below the dam you can enjoy the peaceful sounds of the rushing water. My son really enjoyed exploring this trail himself. Once you've gone far enough, turn back around and head back to let your kids burn off more steam at the playground. Don't forget to save time for this: if the Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad is running, go take a ride!

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