Bay Area Outdoor Family Adventures


Huddart Park

A hidden gem with a playground

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Trail Description

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Huddart Park is a pretty great family hiking and picnic spot. Why does this park always seem so empty? There are fun, challenging hikes along with redwood-lined picnic areas and to top it off, a playground! During the hot months, the hikes provide a dark and shady respite. There is so much to explore here, you’re going to have to do your own trailblazing in addition to these suggestions. If you park at the Zwierlein Picnic Area you can access Crystal Springs Trail, which heading north, leads you down to a beautiful stream. You can also go wandering on the Bay Tree Trail, which features some gorgeous trees. The trails are not flat, so if your kids tire easily, bring a child carrier. Ask the ranger for a trail map when you park – you’ll need it. After wandering the woods with your kids, they will probably be pretty happy to run through the meadow to a playground (it’s small but sufficient for little ones). Parents will probably be ready to sit and stare into space – because admit it, you’re tired.

Alert: Featured trails are not stroller friendly. Also, Kings Mountain Road leading to the park is narrow, windy and popular with cyclists. Please go slow and be nice to cyclists!

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